Relieving a Pinched Nerve Lower Back

Categories: Conditions, Treatments

If you’ve ever experienced a sharp, shooting pain or a persistent dull ache in your lower back, you might be dealing with a pinched nerve. A pinched nerve occurs when excessive pressure is applied to a nerve by surrounding tissues, leading to symptoms such as pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness. At Pain and Spine Specialists…

Understanding and Relieving Big Toe Joint Pain

man with big toe pain

Big toe joint pain is a condition that can be profoundly debilitating, making everyday activities a challenge. In this comprehensive exploration, we aim to provide a profound understanding of the origins of big toe joint pain. We’ll delve into the multitude of causes, with a particular focus on arthritis, and explore the multifaceted ways in…

Easing Lower Back Pain Through Gentle Stretches

Categories: Treatments
man performing stretches for lower back

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on stretches for lower back pain, designed to provide you with the knowledge you need to find relief and improve your quality of life. It’s essential to remember that before attempting any of these stretches, it’s crucial to consult with your physician or a physical therapist to ensure they are…

What Is Neuropathy?

Nerve Communication - migraine relief in pocatello

Neuropathy is a general term that means “nerve damage.” It refers to a disease or dysfunction of one or more peripheral nerves and it typically causes numbness or weakness but can also give you pain. This is the result of damaged nerves from conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune disease, and cancer. It can be very…

What Causes Bone Pain?

Doctors Looking At X-rays

Click Here to Contact Us  Bone pain can have a severely negative impact on your quality of life. It’s also a likely sign of a serious condition that should be investigated by a doctor. Bone pain is usually deep, penetrating, or dull and may stem from a variety of causes — most often is injury.…

Neuropathy Treatment In Pocatello

Man With Nerve Pain - pain management in pocatello

Suffering From Neuropathy? We Can Help In this post, we’ll be describing what neuropathy is and the specific ways in which we provide neuropathy treatment in Pocatello. Neuropathy Neuropathy is a condition in which various nerves malfunction. These include: Sensory nerves (resulting in tingling, numbness, and pain) Autonomic nerves (resulting in loss of bladder control,…

Understanding The Opioid Crisis

Categories: Treatments
Opioid Crisis

You don’t have to look very far to hear that the United States is in the middle of a national “opioid crisis.” What does this mean? Why is there so much hype about opioids? As you can probably imagine, the national opioid epidemic did not just happen overnight. In fact, it likely started in the…

3 Serious Problems That May Be Causing Your Back Pain

Back Pain - back pain pocatello

Contact Our  Pain Management Doctors Today Pain Management For Facet Joint Syndrome This is a health problem very similar to arthritis and may require Pocatello pain management. The spinal joints (cartilaginous structures designed for weight-bearing) between the vertebrae can change and degenerate over time. Facet joint syndrome occurs when spinal joint cartilage breaks down and…

Common Problems Our Pain Doctors Treat

Doctor With Paperwork - pain management pocatello

Pain is a part of life. We all know that. However, some conditions that cause chronic pain require medical intervention and treatment. In this post, we’ll be discussing some common problems that our Pocatello pain doctors can treat. Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is something that many people suffer from, however, the condition itself is still something of…

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Arm Pain - pain management pocatello

Contact Us Today To Schedule an Appointment! Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, also simply CRPS, is a condition we often see at our Pocatello pain management clinic. It is a condition of the peripheral and central nervous systems that affects an arm or leg, usually occurring after an injury.  Anyone can develop CRPS, although it tends…